Captured Images Menu

Click any thumbnail in the Captured Images Window to open the Captured Images Menu:


Commands available on this menu, and their descriptions, are:




Copy the selected item into the Windows clipboard.


Deleted the selected item(s) from the image list.


Saves the selected item(s). This will display the Save Images Dialog, allowing you to specify the file name and the image format. If you select multiple thumbnails and specify a file format that supports multipage files, the images will be saved as a single file. If you specify a format that does not support multipage files, the images will be saved as "filename_0," "filename_1," etc. in the format you specify.

Export All

Saves all items in the Captured Images Window. When the Save Images Dialog opens, type a filename and specify an export format. If you specify a file format that supports multipage files, the images will be saved as a single file. If you specify a format that does not support multipage files, the images will be saved as "filename_0," "filename_1," etc. in the format you specify.