Security Tab

Use the options on this tab to control the security of a PDF document using RC4 40-bit or RC4 128-bit encryption.


The following fields are on the Security tab:

Protect Document Check box

Select this check box to enable document protection.

Either the User Password or Owner Password edit boxes must be filled whenever document protection is selected.

Encryption Algorithm Drop-down list box

Use this option to specify the encryption method.

This option allows PDF documents to be protected using RC4 40-bit or RC4 128-bit encryptions.

This option is only available if the Protect Document check box is selected.

User Password Edit box

Use this option to fill a password for opening PDF document.

If a password is entered into this section, the user will be asked to Confirm their password in the dialog that will appear after clicking OK.

This option is only available if the Protect Document check box is selected.

Owner Password Edit box

Use this option to enter a password for the document owners. This password will allow the owner to perform all of the actions listed in the Permissions section, including the right to alter these permissions.

If a password is entered into this section, the user will be asked to Confirm their password in the dialog that will appear after clicking OK.

This option is only available if the Protect Document check box is selected.

Enable copy from document / Text extraction Check box

Use this owner permission option to control whether text can be copied from the document.

This option is only available if the Protect Document check box is selected.

Enable document editing Check box

Use this owner permission option to control whether the document can be edited.

This option is only available if the Protect Document check box is selected.

Enable comments Check box

Use this owner permission option to control whether comments can be added to the document.

This option is only available if the Protect Document check box is selected.

Enable document assembly Check box

Use this owner permission option to control whether pages can be added or removed from the document.

This option is only available if the Protect Document check box is selected and the RC4 128-bit key encryption is selected in the Encryption Algorithm drop-down list box.

Enable printing Check box

Use this owner permission option to control whether the document can be printed.

This option is only available if the Protect Document check box is selected.

Faithful print Check box

Use this owner permission option to control whether the document can be printed in high quality.

This option is only available if the Protect Document check box is selected, the RC4 128-bit key encryption is selected in the Encryption Algorithm drop-down list box and the Enable printing check box is selected.