LEADTOOLS ePrint 6 Professional

Mail Server Settings Page

Use this page to configure SMTP server settings such as the SMTP mail server's name, port number, server time out, and login information. This page is only available if the Directly through SMTP server radio button is selected in the E-mail Settings page of the wizard. This page is shown in the following figure:


SMTP Mail Server Edit box:

Use this option to enter the name of the SMTP mail server.

SMTP Port Number Edit box:

Use this option to enter the SMTP mail server port number. Usually it is 25.

Server Timeouts Slider:

Use this option to enter the number of seconds to allow for the server to capture the connection before it times out. Possible values range from 30 to 300 seconds.

Mail server requires authentication Check box

Select this check box to enable sending emails on servers that require authentication through an account name and a password.

Account name Edit box:

Use this option to enter the account name for the authentication information.

This option is only available if the Mail Server Requires Authentication check box is selected.

Password Edit box:

Use this option to fill the password for the authentication information.

This option is only available if the Mail server requires authentication check box is selected.


The Next and Finish buttons are only available if the SMTP Mail Server edit box is filled.