LEADTOOLS ePrint 6 Professional
Hyper Text Markup Language Format (HTML)

Hyper Text Markup Language Format (HTML)

The HTML file format is used to create web pages on the Internet. The files of this format are small and can be downloaded easily. The problem with this format is that the major web browsers (Internet Explorer, Netscape, Opera. etc. ) have different support for the language and they have some extensions made specially for them. This means that a document may be viewed differently from one browser to another.

LEADTOOLS ePrint Professional produces three types of HTML files which are compatible with the most commonly used browsers (IE 5.0 +, Netscape 4.6 and Netscape 6.0+). The HTML documents which are compatible with IE 5.0+ use the Microsoft VML(Vector Markup Language) to draw vector objects. Netscape, on the other hand, does not support VML, so Java script is used instead to produce the same result. The documents which are produced to be compatible with IE 5.0+ and Netscape use both VML and Java script


LEADTOOLS ePrint Professional supports Unicode. It also supports URL detection, and allows the user to specify document information like Title, Author, Subject, Manager and company