Kodak Formats (PCD and FPX)
LEADTOOLS supports the following Kodak formats:
PhotoCD (PCD). This is a common high-resolution format for images on CD-ROM. An image file can contain one or more physical resolutions, with fixed dimensions. You can choose which resolution to load, and thus control the size of the resulting bitmap.
You can read the following bits per pixel: 8, 24.
You cannot write PhotoCD files. They are read-only.
FlashPix (FPX). (WIN32 only) The FlashPix file format was developed through the combined efforts of Eastman Kodak Company, Microsoft Corporation, Hewlett-Packard Company, and Live Picture Inc. It combines the best features of existing formats with object orientation to make the use of digital color images easier.
The format of a FlashPix file is based on compound object storage, which allows storage of various kinds of data. A FlashPix file may consist of several "pages" where each "page" has storage for a source image, non-image data in the form of comments, transform data, and a stamp or thumbnail. Each image is stored as an entire multi-resolution hierarchy where each resolution in the hierarchy differs from the next highest resolution by a factor of 2 in the x dimension and in the y dimension. Non-image data are treated as comments in FlashPix file format. Comments are used to store information pertaining to the image, not actual pixel data. This information may include image title, image subject, camera manufacturer, scan software version number, and so forth. In addition to the image itself, FlashPix files store transform information. This data indicates transformations which may be performed on the source image. By storing the transforms, the source image may be stored in its original state and transformed, using the stored transforms, at your discretion. A stamp, or thumbnail, provides a small bitmap representation of a FlashPix image.
You can read and write the following bits per pixel: 8, 24.