The Task Wizard SharePoint Options Page lets you specify SharePoint options like the server name, etc.
The following fields are on the Save As dialog:
I want to upload the generated file(s) into SharePoint server Check box:
Select this check box to enable the settings for uploading files to the SharePoint site.
I would like to use the following file format from the save list Drop-down list box:
Select the file format for the upload to the SharePoint site.
Server Name Edit box:
Use the Server Name edit box to enter the server name of the SharePoint site.
Repository Edit box:
Use the Repository edit box to enter the name for the Repository of the SharePoint site. To create a new folder, add the folder name at the end.
File Name Edit box:
Use the File Name edit box to enter the name of the file you wish to upload to the SharePoint site.
User Name Edit box:
Use the User Name edit box to enter the user name that has authentication to upload to the SharePoint site.
Password Edit box:
Use the Password edit box to enter the corresponding password for the user name.
Overwrite existing file Check box:
Select this check box to overwrite the file, if a file with the same name currently exists on the SharePoint site.