General Tab

Use the options on this tab to specify the PDF version number of the document to be saved. Alternately, you can select Automatic in the Version drop-down list box and ePrint will determine which version to use when saving the PDF file. If you select a specific version of PDF for ePrint to create, ePrint may override this user-specified PDF version numberif you have implemented features only supported by a higher version number.

ePrint supports PDF versions 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5. Adobe Acrobat 4 is necessary to view PDF Version 1.3, which supports Unicode. Adobe Acrobat 5 is used for and PDF Version 1.4, which supports enhanced PDF security.

ePrint uses PDF version 1.2 when creating documents unless Unicode or enhanced PDF security support is needed, in which case ePrint uses the lowest version necessary to support the additional features.

Generally, it is better to produce documents at the lowest version possible, because this enables a larger group of readers to open the resulting document. For instance, if the PDF version is 1.4, Adobe Acrobat 3 and Adobe Acrobat 4 will not be able to open the document, thus restricting a potential reader. On the other hand, since the PDF version 1.2-format does not support all available features, it is preferable to use a newer version. Keep in mind that older versions of the PDF format do not support all available features, so if those features are desired, a newer version of the PDF format is required


The following fields are on the General tab:

Version Drop-down List box

Use this option to select the version of the PDF file format that ePrint can use for saving the document. Select Automatic to save the document based upon the document contents and the selected features. Note, though, if you have requested a specific version but the features you are using require a higher version, ePrint will automatically override your version and use the lowest version that implements all of the features that you are using.

Title Edit box

Use this option to specify the PDF document title.

Information entered in this field will appear in the General Information dialog box that appears when the user views the created PDF file in Adobe Acrobat.

Subject Edit box

Use this option to specify the PDF document subject.

Information entered in this field will appear in the General Information dialog box that appears when the user views the created PDF file in Adobe Acrobat.

Author Edit box

Use this option to specify the PDF document author.

Information entered in this field will appear in the General Information dialog box that appears when the user views the created PDF file in Adobe Acrobat.

Keywords Edit box

Use this option to specify the PDF document keywords.

Information entered in this field will appear in the General Information dialog box that appears when the user views the created PDF file in Adobe Acrobat.

Do not save shapes Check box

Select this check box to specify whether to generate documents supporting shapes.

Fast web view Check box

Select this check box to specify whether to save the PDF file for Internet use. This option will allow the PDF to load progressively.